FedAdvantage Disability Insurance
FedAdvantage supplemental disability insurance is available to civilian federal employees and insured by Standard Insurance.
Standard Insurance is offering a low-cost, comprehensive disability insurance plan to federal employees.
The Standard plan is managed and administered by FedAdvantage. The program is available to civilian federal employees and is designed to “fill in the gaps” from any sick leave or disability retirement programs offered through the federal government.
Product highlights include the following:
NEW…..10% rate reduction effective 1/1/23!
Choice of three plan options, Basic, Premier and Premier Plus
Guaranteed acceptance, no medical questions or exams
Up to $15,000 per month
Up to $180,000 per year
Benefits paid as early as 30 or 180 days
NEW! 24 hour own occupation coverage
Replaces 60% of your income
Benefits payable up to age 60
Disability benefits are income tax free
Partial disability benefits
NEW!…. optional Assisted Living Benefit…. up to $5,000 monthly benefit for life!
FedAdvantage supplemental disability insurance is a premier long term disability program that offers a quality product with professional participation limits to all civilian federal employees.
To get your personal quote based on your profile, please complete and submit the brief form. We will get back to you within two days with a detailed quote.
FedAdvantage disability insurance, accident and critical illness plans are not available to active duty military or U.S. Postal Service employees.
Term insurance with living benefits providing lump sum benefits for Critical Illness and Chronic care.
Covered conditions include heart attack, stroke, cancer, paralysis, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, blindness, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s and demantia.
Most federal employees can reduce FEGLI Option “B” premiums by 50-80%
FegliPLUS Quote Request
Take a minute and compare FegliPLUS with the leading group plans available to federal employees….WAEPA, GEBA and FEGLI.